
On my latest book list

Alright, we got a playlist THANK YOU! Now could we please have a book list?   Yes, yes. I know what time of year it is. Fair warning, though. I’ve spent the last long while coming out of my own personal dark night of the soul, so this year’s book list is pretty intense. It’s […]


On a bunch of heavy books

Even though September has passed, any chance we could still get a book list? Yes, yes. I know I’ve owed you a fresh book list for some time now. Unfortunately, my library isn’t as fun as it used to be, but that’s what happens when an incompetent, narcissistic grifter becomes president and a bunch of […]


On another bunch of books

Your book recommendations reignited my love of reading. Thank you. Will you be posting any more recommendations soon? It is September, after all.   Yes, yes. I love our September booklist tradition, especially in a month when I have a book of my own hitting the shelves. Here’s the latest snapshot of what I’ve been reading […]


On books about the police

Can you recommend a good book on this “fuck the police” stuff? I want to look deeper into this.   Rise of the Warrior Cop by Radley Balko If you only read one book about police in America, this is the one. It’s well researched, politically balanced, and it will let you decide for yourself […]


On a capitalism reading list

“We are surrounded by capitalist tools. The trick is not using them for their intended purpose.” Would you make a reading list based on this, please? Sure. Here’s a trio of easily accessible books that will give you a broad but critical overview of the current state of American capitalism: Supercapitalism by Robert Reich The […]


On a bunch of books

I need some new books, and you are way overdue for another reading list. Pretty please! Okay, okay. What is it about September? I’ve been getting this question at least once a day for a while now. I don’t have time at the moment to put together a curated list, but I can give you […]


On more favorite books

Why not give us another list of good books?  You preach the importance of education, so tell us more favorites already! Okay. Here you go: Seize the Day, Saul Bellow A day’s worth of existential crisis and catharsis beautifully written in a short novel. Underworld, Don DeLillo Non-linear and massive, this novel covers half a […]


On my favorite books

If you mean what you say, Coke Talk should have a companion reading list. What books do you read? Tell us your favorites already! Okay. Here are some of my favorite books in no particular order: Oliver Twist, Charles DickensThe first book I ever read. Matilda, Roald DahlThe second book I ever read. J.K Rowling […]

Fun-Sized Advice

On fun-sized advice

My relationship is OK. Not amazing, not bad. I oscillate between wanting to end it, and sinking into another comfortable night of Netflix with someone I love. I’ve never been this comfortable and I feel like it’s sucking out my motivation to improve other areas in my life. Is this a good reason to leave? […]


On unrepentant assholes

I’ve been with my boyfriend almost two years and things are really good between us. We have fun together, great sex, support each other, take turns doing all the boring stuff around the house, try out new things and visit new places together, and generally have a really good partnership going on. I love him […]
