
On not dragging things out

I don’t know how to say goodbye to her. We were together 2 years, it didn’t work out, and after a while despite feeling shitty about it I caved in to her constant nagging about keeping in touch. Now I regret doing so as I don’t see the point- we were never friends before our relationship and I am actually beginning to dislike her as a person. That being said she has been through a lot in her life- How do I say goodbye without hurting her feelings?

There is no pleasant way to say goodbye, but if you’ve already broken up with her, you shouldn’t have to.

Remember, you’re not responsible for her feelings, nor are you obligated to keep in touch. It doesn’t matter how much she’s been through in her life. Part of breaking up with someone is that you no longer make yourself available for emotional support.

You simply need to stop making yourself available, and you don’t owe her an explanation beyond the fact that the relationship is over.


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