I need money. Badly. 100% of my paychecks go towards my tuition, and it’s not nearly enough. A couple days ago, a guy offered me $50 for a blowjob, $80 for sex, and double that if I could find a friend to join in the fun. He’s got a great dick, and we would use protection. It seems like an easy enough way to make some money, but I want to know what you think.
You want my permission to sell your pussy at crackhead prices? Fuck no.
Don’t ever have sex with friends or acquaintances for money. Ever. If you’re confused as to whom that includes, it means anyone who knows your real name.
Also, fifty bucks? What the fuck? Are you writing from the University of Tijuana? Are you missing teeth? Fifty isn’t even a down payment on a blowjob, and oh my god, eighty for sex? Did he really throw in an extra thirty bucks for your vagina like he was splurging on a deluxe car wash? Un-fucking-believable.
I know it’s too much to ask that you respect yourself, but if you’re gonna engage in prostitution, the least you could do is respect both the profession and the product by not treating your pussy like it’s in the clearance bin at TJ Maxx.
Tell you what, since you’re probably gonna do something stupid here, promise me you’ll at least start off in the grey area. Try finding a sugar daddy first.
Also, promise me you’ll stay away from this guy who’s offering you his lunch money for sex. Trust me, he’s bad fucking news.
Stuff like this was exactly what I earmarked in the book to have my daughters read. It’s not just about what is right or wrong; it’s also about dissecting the matter intelligently so you understand your own POV.
Without it, you wind up considering the validity of moronic notions like that being married to a guy who can take care of you is just like sex-for-cash as opposed to a meaningful partnership with someone who has skills that earn a good living – the kind of skills that you found attractive and worthy of respect.
8 years later I’m still angry that some skeezy prick offered $160 for sex with TWO women
yo I dont know where you clearly middle class suburbaniets lare in the country but youre not reallty hip to what the standards and levels are most very pretty and normal “eascort” independent ladies have a standard rate of a range between $180 – $250 for the hour and its ALWAYS BJ and sex until you pop even if thats 15 mins in it really never is for an hour its for when you cum within that hour New York City an ACTUAL model who is quite beautiful well kept and not in 6 in platform hooker heels but more like very sexy $600 designer name heels and top fashioned clothes will be $450-$1000 for the hour and again its always for a bj and sex until completion and under an hour is the average they have to be with the client – so you people that are replying shit like $50 isnt even a down payment for a blow job obviously are a reg woman who went to college has many options because of how you have been prudent and not reckless a day in your regimented life that now has a couple kids hubby live nice and have a high opinion of their worth and thats great – obviously you are not someone who is all fucked up and molested by the entire male side of your moms extended family and such – you have and always will be looked upon and valued for your collective lists of accomplishment and achieved a certain status level that you have maintained and when thinking how much you would expect to suck some guys cock is how you determined why you are worth a great deal more as your valuable years of higher level living standards and the well behaved consecutive years at status quo also contribute to your being able to keep your status level intact and feel that all these many individual positive items you mentally listed to your self given valuation of I am worth thew maximum mind set – but if you think you are going to find that “Its $1000 for my blow job clients -eventually reality of supply and demand will take over and you’ll get to the “shit I am starving and about to be evicted: point when you’ll be sucking dicks left and right for $50 if you can get the flow of guys at that street level average rate but will have to take the jackasses that have $43 or some shit to get yourself fed and be able to keep the roof over your head
Say that again, Dick Bobber. I zoned out.