
On booty call 101

I’m in my mid thirties and have just become single for the first time since college. Last night I ran into a guy I used to work with. He offered to buy me a drink so we went to a bar and chatted, and then we made out in the parking lot like high school kids for like ten minutes before I went home. He’s invited me over for friendly sex tomorrow which I’m totally down for. I feel weird showing up at his place empty-handed; should I bring wine? Is there etiquette to booty calls when you’re no longer in your twenties?

Sure, if you want, bring wine. Also bring condoms and a change of underwear.

As for etiquette, don’t expect to sleep over unless he specifically asks you to, and even then, don’t feel obligated unless you genuinely want to. (It’s best to have an exit strategy in place to avoid any post-sex awkwardness. A simple, “I have to be up early tomorrow” will get the job done in most cases.)

Other than that, just have fun.


8 thoughts on “On booty call 101

  1. Jada says:

    Haha yeah def bring condoms. Also be careful. so many men keep handcuffs in there house. He might try an hurt youbecause of that movie. They think its normal and your weird if you don’t like it. definitely make himg et tested too in your thirties. be safe have fun

    • Nina says:

      Well if a man is going to behave like that you can bring out your strap-on and tell him he’s weird if he doesn’t like to get pegged.

  2. TheAsker says:

    Thank you! I was well prepared, he was lovely in bed, and I (‘m almost positive I) made my exit right on time. Didn’t want to spend the night, as I really did have to get up early. Slept like a baby in my own bed though.

    • TheAsker says:

      Also! The thing that took me by surprise was having to tell someone what I like and dislike, and having to learn someone else’s. After so many years in a monogamous relationship, it was a little intimidating at first. But he specifically asked, and I got more comfortable giving and taking direction as we went along.

  3. GirlWithABoy'sName says:

    Oh my goodness, I’m so pleased for you. I had a similar experience recently and got the “Tell me what you like” too. Those 5 words were a game changer; HOORAY FOR COURTEOUS MEN WHO WANT TO KNOW HOW TO GET YOU OFF!

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