Is it worth it if attaining your dream job means sacrificing the opportunity to save the relationship with the person you love?
Subtext: Rocky relationship where there is intense love for each other still. Took some time off for ourselves. I moved abroad while he stayed in the states. I was just offered a job where I could make big money, but that would mean living here permanently, ergo not going back to re start the relationship. I’m split.
Any advice?
Take your dream job. Also, stop watching romantic comedies.
I say that because you strike me as the type who’s cooked up some melodramatic airport fantasy where he barrels through security just moments before you board an international flight so he can beg you to spend the rest of your lives together.
Seriously, stop that.
Remember, you left the fucking country to take a break from this guy. At this point, you’re idealizing whatever tiny amount of relationship potential there might be left.
If you give up your dream job for the highly unlikely chance that round two will be any less rocky, I promise you will resent him the moment the shine comes off the apple. (And don’t kid yourself, honey. The shine always comes off the apple.)
I don’t mean to sound like Scrooge McFuck over here, but take the cash. I don’t care how much you think you love him. Dream jobs are incredibly rare these days. Rocky relationships with dubious salvage potential are a dime a dozen.