If failed actors become real estate agents, and failed producers become life coaches, what do failed writers become?
If failed actors become real estate agents, and failed producers become life coaches, what do failed writers become?
Best Buy floor personnel.
I’m pretty sure failed musicians become Best Buy personnel. That or Guitar Center
If there was a plus one…you’d have it.
Thanks! I was going to add that if they’re extraordinarily lucky, they become instrument techs for professional musicians.
As a current best buy floor employee, you’re absolutely right.
You really can fail as an actor/actress, or as a producer, in Hollywood, and the Hollywood type of failure can be permanent. But you can never fail as a writer as long as you keep writing and have something to say or a story to tell. You can do it your whole life, and your looks don’t matter. There are so many ways for a writer to find an audience, you just have to accept that most of those audiences won’t make you rich or famous.
You fail as a writer when you stop writing. I like this.
the picture of a screen-writer who never stops writing screenplays although they never actually can be seen on screen breaks my heart a little.