How do you manage to work full time and still have a personality?
I’m just fucking fabulous like that, I guess.
Should I apply to model naked for Terry Richardson?
Apply to college or for a job, not to be hipster camera meat.
What is your opinion of Glenn Beck?
Like all evil clowns, he probably eats children.
Christ on a cracker! Where do you get off?
Now I’m imagining a party tray of little messiah hors d’oeuvres.
Why do people get married?
Cultural programming.
Should I get a kitten?
No. Get a puppy.
I’m making him wait to fuck me. Bad idea?
Not if it’s your step dad.
how rude is it to say “that it ?” when the guy comes a few minutes in.
Rude. Hilarious. It really depends on your inflection.
What is your favorite insult?
Total fucking indifference.
Is sex boring to you?
Not mine.
when do I stop fucking all my guy friends?
December 21st, 2012
Are the questions we ask anonymous?
Unless you tell me your name, yes.