what are your tips for a perfect pussy, without waxing? i ask you because i feel like you would know.
You have to be clean. More than that. You have to want to be clean. All the time.
Shave everything. I use a man razor. A fucking Mach3 Turbo. Fuck that Venus shit, and don’t even talk to me about disposable razors.
Use lotion. Never be without lotion. Keep it with you at all times. You carry chapstick, don’t you? Those aren’t the only lips you need to keep moisturized. If you’re curious about my situation, I’ve got a tube of Love Shack by Gap Body in my purse right now.
If you’re partying, pay special attention to your pussy. Your body excretes all kinds of funky chemicals when you do drugs, none of which enhance flavor or aroma. Again, lotion is a must.
Shower whenever you can. Change your underwear whenever you can. Keep that shit fresh. Never go out without a spare pair at the ready. In fact, you can’t ever leave the house thinking your not going to get some. You never know.