I had a weekend hook up with a guy. On friday and saturday night he couldn’t get it up but that was blamed on the alcohol.
Sunday night he finally said he didn’t feel any chemistry between us, although we had really good, smart chats and thought I was attractive.
I thanked him for his honesty and said I was fine being friends. For some reason he felt he still needed to tell me he always has a hard time fucking girls that are smart, if it’s some skank he has no problems at all.
He then asked me to be his whore for the night, with a very convincing hard-on.
I said no. Not because I don’t like playing whore, I actually love it, but because I felt that was being imposed on me (“I will only fuck you if you are a whore” instead of “it would make our fuck so hot if you were a whore”).
I’m still feeling like I let a good opportunity of kinky sex go, so can you tell me I gave the right answer?
You gave the right answer.
Accepting an invitation to an evening of sexual deviance is completely different than accepting an invitation to an evening of sexual dysfunction.