
On where you want to be

What kind of answer can I give when they asked where I want to be in 5 years? The truth is, I just want to still want to be alive in 5 years.


Tell them you expect to be a different person in five years. A better person. A wiser person.

And the same goes for the five years after that, and the five years after that, and every five years or so for the rest of your life. Always improving. Always learning. Growing and accepting change.

Tell them it’s not about where you want to be. It’s about who you want to be. Tell them you don’t know who that is yet. You can’t, but you’re looking forward to finding out.


5 thoughts on “On where you want to be

  1. max stirling says:

    Thank you for that perfect answer to “where to want to be in 5 years”. Finally, after 45 years of life, a response to that question that isn’t as much bullshit as the question itself.

    • Perspectivator says:

      The question isn’t really bullshit. The company has an interest in finding people who know they want to stick around. They’re measuring maturity and dependability. If you’re some kid who’s being all emo and saying, “hey maaaan, don’t make me conform to your bullshit expectations, who knows where the wind will blow!” Then they have a right to know you’re not committed to making it work. They want people with skin in the game.

  2. Sander says:

    What a perfect semi-bulllshit response to a full-bullshit question! You should seriously consider writing format for,example, jobappilication letters and resumés. I think a lot of your readers would get great jobs with a Coke-Talk letter of application + resumé!

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