
On your anthropology paper

In his book “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind,” Yuval Noah Harari states that social ideologies, such as Communism, Capitalism, and Nazism, are all religions because they are “a system of human norms and values that is founded on the belief in a superhuman order.” Unlike Christianity or Islam that views superhuman order as Gods, social ideologies view “the law of nature” as superhuman order.

In a well-written essay, develop your position on whether you agree with Professor Harari. Use appropriate evidence from your reading, experience, or observations to support your argument.

Do your own homework.

(Although when you do, perhaps consider the difference between a “superhuman order” as it relates to social ideology and a “supernatural order” as it relates to religion. The superhuman is not the same thing as the supernatural, but Harari would lump the two concepts together in order to label social ideologies a subset of religion. He’s basically asking you to disregard the distinction between philosophy and dogma so that he can broaden the traditional definition of religion. That’s fine. He can do that if he wants. Agree or disagree with Harari, it doesn’t really matter, because it’s all just taxonomy — a mere semantic argument.)


5 thoughts on “On your anthropology paper

  1. Jackzon says:

    The professor is going to e-mail the essay question and find this link. Better make sure you properly reword what Coquette said.

  2. Jackzon says:

    The professor is going to e-mail the essay question and find this link. Better make sure you properly reword what Coquette said.

  3. Freda J. Bitner says:

    I hate proffesors that not specify the homework task, how do you even suppose to know how to write an essay? And what about e-mail the essay questions, who does that? The most approriate guide that i could have find on the internet on How To Write An Evaluation Essay describes how to write a thesis statement, however, i’m still have a lot of troubles with writing a proper conclusion.

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