Best-Of Advice

On a dirty whore

I’m a stripper, and I recently had a guy I’ve been sleeping with say I can come over after work, but only if I “shower off all the lapdances first.” I ride my bike a lot, sometimes to work, and I asked if it was about being sweaty (just to absolutely clarify) and he said that my sweat in his bed was encouraged, but that other men’s was not. What the fuck is his problem? That doesn’t even make sense. Why does me showering make him feel like somehow I didn’t just get done lap dancing for money?

Oh and PS. I’m also the girl from Redneck problems. My husband and I didn’t work out, but I DID take your advice and get a degree. He is happily remarried and I am happily educated and stripping in Portland, OR. Thank you!

Happy to hear from you, babe. Glad that it all worked out. (That marriage was never gonna make it, but getting your degree was important.)

Here’s some brutal truth. The guy you’ve been sleeping with is an ignorant misogynist who likes the idea of fucking a stripper, but doesn’t respect you or what you do for a living.

He asks you to take a shower because he secretly believes that you are an unclean woman. Not literally. Figuratively. He thinks you’re a dirty whore, and making you shower off after your job is his weirdo way of keeping you as his whore but getting rid of the dirty part. It’s outrageously disrespectful and more than just a little bit creepy.

Don’t put up with that kind of negative bullshit for one damn second. Call him out for being disrespectful, and if he gives you even the slightest bit of attitude, stop fucking him.

Say it with me now: Good dick is never worth disrespect.

Good dick is never worth disrespect.


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