
On annoying bitches.

We had plans last night at 6. He asks me at noon to come to the city for a film festival, from 4-8. My car is in the shop until 6-ish, which I tell him. I ask him if there is anything we can do slightly later, to which all he says is “no.” I say that he can come out my way or we can meet half way somewhere. Nothing. I ask him if it’s his film showing (cause if it was, I would have found a way to get there because that’s a pretty big deal), nothing. I ask him around four thirty if he’s still up for hanging out tonight. Nothing. Six comes around. No word from him. At six thirty, I’m like, “what the hell, dude? If you’re going to blow me off, it would be nice if you would tell me.” Seven thirty shows up and this is what I get from him: “I’m leaving the Castro now not sticking around for the awards. It’s been nice seeing the progression of your frustration. I don’t want to be around that tonight.” I tell him, “you can’t blame me for being frustrated when i’m starving. I just ordered pizza if you’re at all interested.” I get nothing back.

So I go out to a movie with a couple friends to get my mind off of it. Come to find out later that the local band show my roommate went to – he went to as well. Which is less than twenty minutes from my house. And he didn’t even tell me he was in the area or stop by or anything.

What. The. Hell.

At what point do I stop excusing this type of behavior as “he has issues” and “he’s scared” and just say, “fuck this noise”? How deluded am I being by believing that he is a little interested? Give it to me straight. I need a push in the right direction.

Oh please, I’m sure you have a well worn copy of “He’s Just Not That Into You” on your fucking night stand. Why are you bothering me with this petty shit?

This isn’t a real problem. This a lame excuse to eat a pint of ice cream from the kind of sheltered sorority girl who doesn’t know what it’s like to bleed from anywhere other than her vagina.

You want it straight? Fine. You’re annoying, bitch. If you sent me that passive aggressive note, I’d blow you off too. He’s not scared. He just doesn’t want to put up with your shit.

This isn’t me taking his side. Quite frankly, he sounds like an asshole, but at least he has enough self respect not to let you nag him. Now it’s your turn.

Quit letting him get to you. Quit making excuses. Most of all, quit being so fucking needy. It’s unattractive and the source of all his disrespect.


2 thoughts on “On annoying bitches.

    • Chris says:

      Agreed. She’s immature, but maybe not passive aggressive.

      She’s also dumb to not conclude he’d have his phone off at 4:00, and then decided everything was his fault, like “now I’m starving.” Starving? If so, you wouldn’t order a pizza; you’d eat some of the food in your cupboards, because someone like this doesn’t have bare cupboards or a empty fridge.

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